What makes you feel good...


This treatment utilizes the natural healing powers of water and oxygen to effortlessly, and painlessly exfoliate the skin without the use of hard microcrystals or abrasive textured wands. Hydrodermabrasion treatments provide deeply hydrated, firmer, smoother, and healthier looking skin. The benefits include reduced fine lines and wrinkles, reduced/improved acne scarring, deeper hydration of skin and so much more! This is my most booked facial, because once you have a hydro and see your dirty water at the end of your facial and feel your flawless skin, you will be addicted!

Oxygen treatment

Oxygen infusion is the splendid final touch to the Hydrodermabrasion. Once finished with the Hydrodermabrasion, the oxygen infusion system will infuse the skin with immense hydration and restoration. Any residing irritation or redness will be eliminated. Simply by applying the liquid serum of your choice to the Oxygen Infusion wand. The process then allows the skin cells to increase the rate of its metabolism and production of collagen. Additional benefits include an increased youthful appearance, smooth skin, and accelerated hydration for a brighter complexion. The oxygen treatment is also offered in other facials or as an add on to other services. The oxygen treatment will make your face look amazingly plump. And the only place you want plump is your face…..am I right?


Dermaplaning is a physical exfoliation process that uses a scalpel to remove the surface layers of skin and vellus hair AKA peach fuzz. Dermaplaning relies on a specially designed blade, which looks similar to a men’s flat-edge razor. A highly trained esthetician uses the tool to gently (gently!) scrape away hair, dead skin, debris, and whatever else your skin might have accumulated. The results will make your skin glow like Jlo!

Chemical peels

First time I heard the term chemical peel I pictured The Joker being thrown in a vat of acid! Although the name can be scary, chemical peels at The Vanity Room are pretty mild but effective. For best results chemical peels should be in a series of treatments, require home care & post treatment instructions that involve SPF, no exceptions. The skin revealed after a chemical peel is new, and baby soft! Chemical peels are amazing at evening out your skin tone.

High frequency

Oh high frequency the fixer of all things! It’s like that ride or die friend you can always count on. High frequency treatments use electrical currents that are set at just the right frequency to benefit your skin without, well, electrocuting you. When the glass electrode (attached to the base of the machine) is applied to the skin, it generates oxygen which kills bacteria and calms inflammation. High-frequency treatments are frequently used in facials to treat stubborn acne, calm inflammation, shrink pores, reduce the signs of aging, and so much more.


My passion is to destroy and banish acne forever. Well, I am still working on that big picture. But until then, let me help you learn what treatments and products to use for your specific skin type! I suffer from adult/hormonal acne also and I am constantly looking for the best ways to help my skin & my clients! I understand how acne can completely rob you of your self esteem! I want my clients to love their skin when they look in the mirror!

Anti aging

Age ain’t nothing but a number, ya right! Maybe if you are Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce! But for the rest of us, we have to combat and fight aging! I know in my 20’s I lived in tanning beds & slathered baby oil all over & cooked myself in the sun. Guess what, now we are all trying to turn back time like Cher! Now most of us want to lighten our hyperpigmentation AKA sun spots or age spots. Trying to lessen our fine lines & wrinkles. I have got good news, I am deep in the trenches fighting the good fight with you! I have lots of treatments to help you look and feel your best!


Relaxing…is that a word in your vocabulary? Probably not but have no fear I am your relaxation specialist! We offer a relaxing facial that mainly focuses on a relaxing experience. Of course we will use amazing products for your skin type and skin needs. But sometimes you just need a deep cleanse and to let your day or week go. We will pamper you for an hour, then it’s back to your daily grind! But we are open on Sundays…so technically you could get a facial every Sunday…you are welcome!

Skincare & products

The Vanity Room only sells products we 100 % trust & love! Our main skincare line is Skin Script. We retail Skin Script and use it in our facials. Skin Script is affordable and a good home care regime is completely needed to maintain good skin health. We also do free skin consults. So you can bring in your current skincare products which hopefully don’t include St. Ives apricot scrub and dove soap! And I will tell you what is working or what we could change to see better results!


I would totally wax that! That is what I am thinking when I am looking at your mustache, joking of course! But one of my favorite things to wax is eyebrows! The impact of a perfectly waxed arch is un measurable! I wax upper lips, chins and under arms too! So no excuse to participate in no shave November!

Eyelash lifts & eyelash tints

Lash lifts & tints will have you singing “I woke up like this!” Because with a lash lift and tint you will look like you are wearing mascara 24/7! And the lift basically looks like you took an eyelash curler and curled those bad boys up! You will bat your eyelashes and pretty much get whatever you want in life….you are welcome!

Eyebrow tinting

Let me explain eyebrow tinting and the reaction you will most likely have after you tint your eyebrows for the first time! You will look in the mirror and be a little frightened by the color of your brows and how much hair you actually have. Then you will text me the next day telling me how amazing your brows are and you are never going back! Eyebrow tinting lasts anywhere from 6-8 weeks and we will pick the perfect tint to match your skin. Pair your tint with an eyebrow wax and change the entire look of your eyes!

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