Welcome to The Vanity Room

Amanda Bamer - Licensed Esthetician

My name is Amanda Bamer, I am a licensed Esthetician & owner of The Vanity Room.  I became an Esthetician by accident really.  I got a spray tan machine from my husband for my birthday. I had no idea how to use It, so I started practicing on friends. I loved how a spray tan made my friends feel beautiful and I became addicted to the ability to make others feel good! I also was dealing with severe adult acne and it caused me to not want to leave my house for a couple years. My self esteem was at an all time low. So I decided to get my Esthetician’s license to learn about skincare and help people feel beautiful and clear up their acne, as well as my own.  I guess in my life I see beauty in things that maybe other people don’t. I truly can find beauty in everyone of my clients, and I want to help them to see what I do! I want to create a place where I can educate about products and treatments so clients could look and feel their best! The Vanity Room is an experience! By signing your name and snapping a polaroid to stick on pink brick Wall Of Vain, you become a part of The Vanity Room. Make sure you snap a selfie against our 9 foot flower selfie wall! And when you walk out our door, I hope you feel beautiful AF!
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